These bright scrunched up ribbons will brighten any layout. The zip has 2 sets of ribbons. One is for Digital Scrapbooking and the other is larger for printing out.
1 Set of Ribbons for Digital Scrapbooking (500 x 500 pixels) 1 Set of Ribbons for Scrapbooking (2400 x 1500 pixels)
I'm converting all the Paint Shop Pro (.pspimage) kits to .PNG kits. This means that most graphics programs can now use them. This might take a day or two but I'll get it done as fast as I can. And thank you to everyone who stops by to download my kits. I enjoy making them and sharing them.
Soon it will be time to send our little ones off to school. Make those memories last with this School Daze Digital Scrapbook Kit. Have fun with it!
This Kit is now in .PNG format. It should work for most graphics programs.
4 Papers 2 Name Tags 4 Ribbons 4 Pair of Scissors 4 Paper Tiles 1 Pencil Tag 1 Blackboard Journal Tag 1 School Bus Frame 1 Crayon Frame 1 First Day of School Frame 5 Push Pins 1 Back to School Frame 1 Pink Pearl Eraser 1 Glue Stick 1 Crayon Box
Hope. Faith. Strength. Courage. Breast Cancer awareness is so very important for every woman. With this kit we can celebrate the many victories over this killer silent killer. This kit is in .PSP format.
This Kit is now in .PNG format. It should work for most graphics programs.
8 Papers 2 Duck Pins 4 Photo Corners 4 Buttons 4 Ball Chains 1 Blank Tag 6 Ribbons 3 Frames 2 JournalTags 2 PomPoms 3 Bows 4 Dog Tags 1 Set of Staples (4) 1 Awareness Ribbon 1 Set Brads (6) 4 Photo Corners 1 Word Art (Layer is closed)
Note: You can use the word art to add to the I Wear Pink For My frame.
We all have something that we support and care about. A way to show that is though Awareness Ribbons. There are many causes that use these ribbons. One color can serve more then one. This set of ribbons can represent any number of those. There is a link in the Read Me file to a site that has all causes listed with the proper color for each ribbon. The cause list in the preview are not on the ribbons. They just show one of the causes for that color.
Remember those bags of bows you can buy at Christmas time? Here's a bag for everyday use. They come in assorted colors and can be used for just about any type of layout.